Alessandria, the City Council votes on a motion to introduce incentives for no-slot venues



(Jamma) The City Council of Alessandria yesterday voted on a single text that brings together two different motions presented both by the majority group of SEL and by the minority group of the Northern League, within the framework of an "amendment" presented by members of the Commission for Legality and signed by all, majority and opposition parties, on the subject of regulation of gaming activities. The commitment requested by the whole Board, within a time span of 60 days, is to adopt a policy act which has as its objective some specific activities: for example that of "evaluating forms of tax incentives or introducing other types of for those venues that decide not to install or uninstall the already existing slot machines and consistently maintain this commitment and orientation over time, with positive image implications for the venue", but also "to elaborate a mapping of the legal slot machines on our territory by resorting, if necessary, to a regular request to the Administration of State Monopolies or by formalizing collaboration agreements with voluntary associations, as if it were a sort of "ethical bulletin" as Councilor Procopio defined it.

But that's not all, because it is also asked to "support the popular initiative bill for the protection of individuals' health and the reorganization of the regulations in force regarding games with cash prizes, "gambling", through the 'activation at the municipal offices of a collection point for signatures and collaboration with the associations already active in the area". The good deeds also include: the dissemination of information relating to the gambling addiction treatment service offered by the ASL (Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addiction), the verification of the possibility of being able to draw up a Municipal Regulation aimed at governing and regulate the presence of gaming halls in the territory of the Municipality of Alessandria and finally a motion is requested to sign the "Manifesto of Mayors for the legality against gambling", which aims to ask for a new national law that increases the power of the mayors in regulating the matter and that explains the tasks and commitments of the Regions regarding the treatment of pathological gamblers, the prevention of risks and the support of the actions promoted by the Local Authorities.

And it is precisely on the "limited powers" of the mayor that Rita Rossa intervened: "the Municipality, in the small of its potential, those that are granted to it, has already moved in this direction with a meeting with the Police Headquarters and trade unions in order to put all possible tools are in place. The questore of Alessandria is very determined on this issue, but unfortunately we have to deal with the brakes that are imposed by the lack of legislation at a national level". Palazzo Rosso has for the moment activated a path in this direction, for the protection of the territory and its society, with a policy resolution that does not allow the installation of slot machines in municipal meeting places, such as clubs, sports centers 'encounter…

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