In recent weeks i Carabinieri of the Operations Section of the Albenga Company (SV) have performed a precautionary custody order in prison towards two subjects, a 35 year old and a 28 year old of Slavic origin, held responsible for the crime of faggravated collision in competition, to the detriment of dthe companies responsible for collecting slot machine revenues installed in various commercial establishments on the Riviera. A third accomplice is still wanted.

The investigations began from report of a fake robbery, filed in October 2023, by one of the employees of the aforementioned companies. Since the story appeared rather unlikely, the Carabinieri of Albenga carried out in the following days investigative findingswhich allowed us to ascertain that the complainant had simulated having suffered a robbery to try to hide his "lightness" in the eyes of the employer; actually, in fact, the money he had just withdrawn from various businesses in the Ingauna area, it had been stolen from inside his van, carelessly left parked near his home.

Subsequent investigative activities made it possible to precisely ascertain that The theft was committed by three large individuals, who, taking advantage of the fact that ithe van had been left temporarily unattended, they had forced the side door opentaking out all the proceeds of the day contained in the box. Through a long and meticulous analysis of the images i Carabinieri they then traced back to the car used by the criminals, which was also registered to a frontman, thus arriving at their complete identification.

The modus operandi was particularly ingenious: once the objective has been chosen, the three thieves hid a small GPS detector behind the vehicle's license plate (i.e. a Bluetooth tracker), through which they also monitored the victim's movements for days then strike at the most suitable time and place.

The investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Savona, have allowed identification, the identification and application of the precautionary custody order in prison issued by the local Court towards the three suspects, dedicated to systematics subtraction of proceeds from video slot machinesand installed in various commercial establishments on the Riviera. Well four incidents of theft contested against the three men, who in all have them yielded a loot of more than 30 thousand euros.

Despite creativity and “criminal expertise” the adventure of the three criminals ended badly; two in fact they were arrested by the police on charges of aggravated theft in competition, while the third is wanted.

The proceeding is currently in the preliminary phase and the measures adopted so far do not imply the responsibility of the suspects as no definitive decision has been taken by the Judicial Authority.

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