"Non-profit organizations of social utility, moral bodies, non-profit associations and committees and with charitable, cultural, recreational and sporting purposes can organize lotteries, bingos or peaches and charity desks in order to meet the financial needs of the institution or association. This is what the art provides. 13 of the Presidential Decree of 26 October 2001, n. 430, on the subject of local events". This is what he writesCustoms agency and monopolies in a post on linkedIn.

“By lotteries we mean those events of local fate realized through the sale, limited to the territory of the province, of tickets detached from matrix registers, marked by series and progressive numbers, combined with one or more prizes according to the order of extraction. The total amount of the tickets issued cannot exceed the sum of €51.645,69. Tombolas - continues the post - are events carried out through the sale of folders marked with series and progressive numbering, bearing a given quantity of numbers from one to 90, with prizes awarded to the folders in which, when the numbers are drawn, the established conditions are verified first. The sale of folders is limited to the municipal area and neighboring municipalities. For the tombolas to be held, a deposit must be paid, equal to the value of the prizes up for grabs, which in any case must not exceed the total sum of € 12.911,42. On the other hand, charity draws are those local events created with the sale of non-matrix tickets, a part of which is already combined with the prizes up for grabs. The sale is limited to the municipal area and the proceeds from it must not exceed the sum of € 51.645,69.

Anyone wishing to organize a local event must present a communication, at least 30 days before the date of the event, to the territorially competent Monopolies Office for the purpose of issuing the no impediment document provided for by article 39, paragraph 13-quinquies, of Legislative Decree No. 30 of 2003 September 269. Jointly, it is also necessary to present a communication to the competent Prefect and to the Mayor of the municipality in which the extraction is carried out (art.14 DPR 430/01). After 30 days from the date of sending of this communication, in the absence of express refusal measures, the go-ahead is understood to be tacitly granted. On the official web page of the ADM portal it is possible to find a facsimile of this communication as well as find further information. Here is the link: https://lnkd.in/erApnFs9“, ADM concludes.

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