AIART. Borgomeo: 'Among the priorities of the Media and Minors Committee is curbing advertising about gaming'

Lissone: there are 26 merchants who have deactivated the slots from the bars


Milan. Clandestine gambling den in Parco Testori; six Filipinos reported


Leghorn. Underage at the slot: maximum fine for a recreational club


(Jamma) After 18 months of blockade, the Media and Minors Committee has been re-established, for the president of the Aiart association of Catholic viewers, Luca Borgomeo "Now there will be a lot of work to make up for lost time, starting with the need to stem gambling advertising. Children are increasingly victims of it. Unfortunately, the delay with which the institutions have moved shows that there is still little sensitivity on such a delicate issue”.

After eighteen months of blockade, the Media and Minors Committee is once again taking its steps. The new president is Professor Maurizio Mensi.

Finished in quicksand due to the expiry of the mandate of its members, the body called to supervise "bad TV" and to protect children in front of the small screen is reconstituted. The law establishes that the members are "appointed by decree by the Minister of Communications in agreement with the Authority for Communications Guarantees". And precisely the agreement seemed to be lacking. Now the turning point announced by the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Antonio Catricalà. «With Agcom, in full agreement with Minister Zanonato – he affirmed – the components of the institutional part have been agreed, all people with high legal and professional experience». And he added: «The appointment of the Committee is a first step towards responsibly addressing a topic of great importance». The new president is Maurizio Mensi, professor of public economic law at the Higher School of Economics and professor of information law at the Luiss University of Rome. Then Graziana Campanato, president of the Brescia Court of Appeal and former president of the Venice Juvenile Court, was nominated; Senator Anna Serafini, expert in the protection of minors; Emilia Visco, jurist and former director of the Agcom supervision and control department. Bruno Geraci (Corecom representative) had already been designated; Antonio Cotura, Mario Russo, Domenico Infante, Elisa Manna, Remigio Delgrosso (user representatives); Maria Elita Lucchin, Gianfranco Noferi, Alessia Caricato, Filippo Rebecchini, Bianca Papini (representatives of broadcasters). Satisfaction was expressed by Luca Borgomeo, president of Aiart: «It is positive that the Committee has risen again. Now he will have a large backlog of work because violations are almost daily ». In the last year of activity, 2011, the body ascertained 62 infringements of the TV and minors Code. When a report arrives to the Committee, the investigation begins. This could be the case of "harmful" films or dramas for children aired during the day, news with gruesome images, vulgar reality shows, even risky cartoons. If it is ascertained that what is broadcast harms the youngsters, the Committee adopts a resolution. At this point the baton passes to Agcom which has the task of "finening" the TVs with penalties ranging from 5 thousand to 20 thousand euros; but it also reaches 250 thousand euros


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